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Re: Initiative - was RE: Piquet

From: "Samuel Penn" <sam@b...>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 12:59:56 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: Initiative - was RE: Piquet

An initiative system I've seen recently that I liked was in
Wargods of Aegyptus (fantasy wargame). You decide general
orders for all your units (stick face down counters next to
each unit, with instructions such as 'move forward', 'charge',
'shoot') then roll initiative.

The winner gets 1-3 activations before the other side do
(depending on how well they won), then after that activations
alternate. When you choose to activate a unit, you can choose
*any* unit, either one of yours or one of your opponents.
An activated unit obeys the orders it was given (assuming no
failed morale checks etc), but is free to interpret them as
it will (a 'move forward' doesn't specify how far forward,
the unit can choose to move 1" or 6" for instance, as long
as it moves forward).

Be seeing you,			    --------------------------

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