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AIWs was: Tech Levels and Quality

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 19:39:04 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: AIWs was: Tech Levels and Quality schrieb:

> Thanks for all the examples guys

One example that hasn't been mentioned so far for a force beating one
with more modern equipment are all the major Arab-Israeli Wars. From
1948 to the Invasion in Lebanon in the 1980's, the Israelis
consistently beat Arab forces, even though the Israelis often had to
make do with obsolete or refurbished / upgraded equipment while the
Arabs had more and more modern weapons.

The difference may not amount to what we think of as a tech-level, and
in spots teh Israelis had top-of teh line equipment, but I think it is
fair to describe the Arab armies as generally better equipped. It was
better Israeli military skills and determination that enabled them to
overcome that handicap.

Karl Heinz

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