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RE: Tech Levels and Quality was Re: DS3 design (long)

From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 15:09:34 +1000
Subject: RE: Tech Levels and Quality was Re: DS3 design (long)


> Isandhlwana? I believe some of the warriors had rifles, but were in
> main spear carriers.

That was another I had in mind.

> Native American pre-1900 victories are often cited, though I've seen
> discussion that some groups had repeaters while the US Army soldiers
> often equipted with single-shot rifles.
> Are those TOO far in the past?

Nope they're fine. I would like to know from any period of history.

> I'd suggest losing to inferior weapons requires inferior intel, so
that you
> are caught in disadvantages, whether terrain or numbers.

Good thought.

> Also, the superiority can manifest itself in different ways. It's my
> impression that the Russian tanks throughout WWII were superior in
> and guns, but inferior in radios and optics. Add to that Stalin's
> to destroy his officer corps, and advantages can be wasted.

Also good points, how much inferior do you need in the mix to be

> Of course, those are the meanderings of a fuzzy-headed liberal mind.

As valid as any other ;)

Have fun


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