Club100 ghurka's: NAC weapons types/models?
From: Adrian Johnson <adrian@s...>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 03:39:54 -0400
Subject: Club100 ghurka's: NAC weapons types/models?
>The L5 support weapon is the gyro-mounted SAW?
There is actually a photo of this in the GZG online store, on the second
page of the NAC Marines listing; this is the L5 as carried by a female
gunner, but it is the same basic weapon as the male SAW gunner.
>The shoulder launcher with 3 loads is the same/different from the
>GMS(P) listed at the end of the NAC range?
The last GMS/P listed in the NAC range is for a kneeling figure. This
IIRC, the same weapon as that carried by GMS/P gunners listed earlier in
the range.
It is a shoulder weapon with a 3-round capacity (triangular shaped
"magazine" at rear of launcher).
Take a peek at my conversion (which I mentioned before) at
this is the NAC-standard GMS/P (which Jon conveniently included in a
separate weapons pack, I think... that or I cut up an existing NAC GMS
gunner - I forget which).
So for a kneeling GMS/P gunner, we could have a variant figure and not
a new sculpt.
>Other NAC heavy weapons I encountered are the plasma gun and the
>assault shotgun. And the sniper rifle(laser pulse thingy) of course.
>And the mortar.
Having a couple of "assault shotgun" poses might be interesting, and
hopefully be done on existing figures. For example, SGA-61, 62 or 64
be good variant possibilities?
The GZG website has pics of all the existing Gurkhas, at the end of the
Re the mortar team - SGA 66 and 70 might be ok originals for variant
poses (one holding a round ready to drop, the other aiming or
I think a mortar crew really only needs 2 figures, though I know you're
also keen on an "observer" figure.
>Just a minor update I got from Nic at Eureka.
>If we want to list variants as single figures these would need a limit
>of 50 figures, instead of 150 for 4 variants.
Maybe I'm being dense here, but would that be 150 *sets ordered* for 4
variants of the *same figure*? So hypothetically, we get a single
pose figure, but variants with perhaps a GMS/P, a Plasma Gun,
and a mortar round ready to drop, and we have to order a total of 150
*sets* (totaling 600 figures) before he'll do it? Or is that 150
ordered to get a set of 4 variants done?
Adrian Johnson