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Re: Ground Zero Games Fanzine

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 21:06:35 -0500
Subject: Re: Ground Zero Games Fanzine

>I agree with the open group issue, it needs moderation.
>I can offer a, no advert space on my server if required - I have a
gallery etc and can also configure a mailing list if users prefer >email
forum use.

Thanks, Robin, but the problem isn't a lack of such sites; to tell the
truth, I'm amazed how many of you folks are willing to take it on!

At the moment, we're waiting for Mark to make his will known. ;->=

I'm about ready to drop out of the Yahoo! site, though. Last time I was
a group, I didn't have NEAR this rise in spam!


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