RE: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry
From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 17:46:50 +1000
Subject: RE: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry
> I would expect the distribution to still be a
> simple pyramid and a fairly even one at that, and the differing dice
> and factors only serve to alter its shape.
You can get a bell curve, it just takes multiple dice.
...and you have to hold your tongue in just the right angle so you don't
accidently topple them over, bit like building a house out of cards ;P
> Erm, I've just criticised the core FMA mechanic, haven't I? Oops,
> didn't mean to do that.
Nothing wrong with doing that. Some of the critiques with the FMA
mechanic have lead to subtle changes such as rolling n dice rather than
just multiplying armour roll by n in SG games etc.