Re: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry
From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 18:32:16 +0200
Subject: Re: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry
CS Renegade wrote:
>I've introduced the Dirtside Accelerator
>[] at my local
That was Jon's first draft. It has undergone a few rounds of development
since, eg. this one:
IIRC this is the latest iteration that was made public; it tweaks the
Impact die types a bit to get a better fit with the chit results
(especially for the DFFGs - but note that making the DFFG Impact
still falls a bit short of their lethality with the chits!), adds the
"special damage" types back in (since quite a few people wanted to
them), and handles artillery and infantry explicitly. More recent
have changed the "special damage" mechanics.
>Regarding the accelerator itself, we find that it does deliver a
>considerable increase in speed even before all those irritating repair
>rolls and "what about that damaged tank?" cases are taken
>into account.
As long as you can do multiplications quickly, yes. If some of your
are mathematically challenged though it can get rather slow :-(
>Against that, I'm having difficulty losing my "weapon X beats armour
>& "armour X is proof against weapon x" wargamer's mentality, where X >
Hm? The *accellerator* allows armour X to be proof against weapon x and
vice versa (for large enough values of X and small enough values of x);
*chits* don't (thanks to those "0" and "BOOM" chits). Why do you have to
lose this particular mentality when you change *from* the chits *to* the
>Am I correct in thinking that single opposed dice give a flatter
>distribution than drawing N chits against a fixed target total, when N
Yes. This is why most "simple" DS-FMA systems (the ones that try to map
weapon sizes/armour ratings directly to particular unmodified die types)
tend to make all weapons very similar to each other, and why the
Accellerator concept *doesn't* use just "single opposed dice" but
opposed dice multiplied by the armour rating or weapon size" - the
multiplication gets you away from those narrow distributions.
>As published, the accelerator doesn't cater for infantry
The original draft didn't, but see above :-/
>Direct Translation Of Existing Rules (DS2 pages 33-36)
>Ranges and limitations remain as per existing rules; the following
>purely replaces the chit draws.
>Militia / Line Infantry roll 1 D6
>APFC / HEL / RFAC / HVC / MDC roll 1 D6
>APSW / Powered / DFFG / SLAM-3 roll 1 D8
>SLAM-4 roll 1 D10
>SLAM-5 roll 1 D12
>target Militia roll 1 D4
>target Line Infantry roll 1 D6
>target Powered Armour roll 1 D8
>target +1 die type if in soft cover
>target +2 die types if urban or dug in
>Statistically a bit rough-and-ready, but spot checks suggest that
>are not far from the current chances.
Spot checks can be quite misleading if you happen to pick the best
Now it's number-crunching time <G>
Once you've straightened out the following tables which will undoubtedly
mangled by the email programs, here are the kill probabilities in % for
fire against infantry targets using the chits, your above "direct
translation", your below "alternative infantry fire", and my
above-mentioned update of Jon's DS Accelerator:
Values are for the chit validities All/R&Y/R/Y (remember that infantry
during Close Assaults shifts the validities one step upwards):
Weapon:\Target: Militia Line PA
Militia/Line/APFC 53/36/22/10 28/16/07/02 11/06/03/01
PA/APSW 79/58/37/16 60/37/18/05 38/21/09/02
HEL etc.: 10 2 1
DFFG: 37 18 9
SLAM/3: 16 5 2
SLAM/4: 22 9 4
SLAM/5: 29 13 7
Note that DS2's heavy weapons ignore any cover the infantry is hiding
Can't say that I agree with that (at all) - a considerable part of the
protection given by cover is that it makes the infantry harder to target
properly, and it doesn't matter how hard-hitting your weapon is if you
it off target - but it is something to keep in mind when you do a direct
translation of the rules.
Above "direct translation" system:
I couldn't see anything about increasing firepower in Close Assaults, so
put a "-" in that entry rather than assuming some random die shift. The
other three values are for targets in the Open/ targets in Soft Cover/
dug-in targets:
Weapon:\Target: Militia Line PA
Militia/Line/APFC -/58/42/31 -/42/31/25 -/31/25/21
PA/APSW -/69/56/44 -/56/44/35 -/44/35/29
HEL etc.: -/58/42/31 -/42/31/25 -/31/25/21
DFFG: -/69/56/44 -/56/44/35 -/44/35/29
SLAM/3: -/69/56/44 -/56/44/35 -/44/35/29
SLAM/4: -/75/65/55 -/65/55/45 -/55/45/38
SLAM/5: -/79/71/63 -/71/63/54 -/63/54/46
You seem to allow cover to protect infantry against heavy weapons (which
good), but even with maximum cover the heavy weapons fire is FAR more
lethal in this system than it is when using the chits. Infantry fire
gets a fair bit more lethal, particularly for units in cover.
Below "alternative infantry" system:
Again there's no equivalent to "All" (ie., no mechanic making Close
fire more lethal) so the first entry is a "-"; the other three values
reprensent the die combinations given below (for targets in the Open)/
firer's die for targets in Soft Cover/ -1 firer's die AND +1 target's
type for dug-in targets:
Weapon\Target: Militia Line PA
Militia -/75/38/25 -/50/25/19 -/6/3/2
Line/APFC -/150/113/75 -/100/75/57 -/37/28/16
RFAC/1 etc.: -/116/58/42 -/84/42/31 -/19/9/5
HEL: -/79/-/- -/71/-/-
DFFG (D6): -/232/174/126 -/168/126/93 -/37/28/16
DFFG (D8): -/276/207/168 -/224/18/132 -/78/58/33
SLAM/3 etc.: -/174/116/84 -/126/84/62 -/28/19/10
SLAM/4 etc.: -/232/174/126 -/168/126/93 -/37/28/16
SLAM/5 etc.: -/276/207/168 -/224/168/162 -/78/58/33
MDC (flech.): -/150/75/65 -/130/65/55 -/62/31/19
Note that since each shot can potentially kill multiple targets, these
values are the average numbers of elements killed per shot *provided
there's at least one target available per die thrown*, not the
of killing one specific target element. This is why several of the
are larger than 100%, representing weapons which will normally score
than one hit.
This system gives the best approximation of the chit results for Militia
firing at PA I've seen so far for any dice-based DS damage system, but
unfortunately it makes all the *other* combinations of weapon and
target anything from quite a bit more lethal to horrendously more lethal
than the chits (...OK, with the exception of HELs and RFAC/2s firing at
infantry in cover, since they end up with zero dice if the target has
cover at all!).
Updated Accellerator version:
Here the values map directly to their chit equivalents:
Weapon\Target: Militia Line PA
Militia/Line/APFC 46/38/21/13 31/25/13/06 13/10/5/3
PA/APSW 63/55/31/19 53/44/25/16 28/33/19/6
HEL etc.: 13 6 3
DFFG: 31 25 13
SLAM/3: 19 16 6
SLAM/4: 34 19 13
SLAM/5: 44 31 16
Generally a bit more lethal than the chits for PA and the "Yellow"
validity, and somewhat less lethal than the chits for the "All"
the SLAM/4 and SLAM/5 in particular are overpowered relative to their
performance with the chits. (OTOH they're not nearly as *much*
as in some of the other DS dice systems :-/ )
>Alternative Infantry Rules
>This is more of a personal interpretation of the DS arsenal; to do
>properly I'd need to rewrite bits of pg 6, 8 and 9, and then
>the ranges and other governing rules specified later in the book.
>Militia roll 2 D4
>Line Infantry, APFC roll 4 D4
>RFAC-1, HVC, most Powered Armour roll 2 D6
>APSW, SLAM-3 roll 3 D6
>MDC (cannister), SLAM-4 roll 4 D6
>SLAM-5, Powered Armour (AP) roll 5 D6
>RFAC-2 roll 1 D8
>DFFG roll 4 D8/D6
>MDC (flechette) roll 2 D10
>HEL roll 1 D12
I'm a bit confused by the distinction between "cannister" and
here - today at least flechettes are usually used just in cannister
("beehive") rounds.
>target Militia roll 1 D4
>target Line Infantry roll 1 D6
>target Powered Armour roll 2 D6 (not D6x2)
>firer -1 die if target in any cover
This makes RFAC/2 and HEL completely ineffective if the target is in any
kind of cover (since they only have 1 die to start with).
>target +1 die type if urban or dug in
>A hit is scored per single weapon die that exceeds the total thrown by
>the target, thus a weapon may eliminate multiple adjacent infantry
As you can see from the tables above above, this makes most
fire *extremely* deadly (with some exceptions, eg. Militia firing at
>if some of the chances I propose seem a bit strange it's because I've
>assumed that anything larger than RFAC-2 is mainly effective through
>blast or equivalent effect rather than a direct hit.
...whereas RFAC/1 is effective mainly through rate of fire, and the
isn't effective at all if the target is in any kind of cover?
FWIW today's "HVCs" (large-caliber tank guns) firing at infantry
use fragmenting HE grenades or canister/beehive rounds, so the main
mechanism against infantry is shrapnel rather than blast.
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."