RE: (DS): Systems per Class
From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 10:39:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: (DS): Systems per Class
Firrt of all, let me again reiterate that discussions
regarding specific Real life vehicles and alternate
ways to simulate them are interesting, but ultimately
they distract from the real issue. And I do understand
the abstraction concept, believe it or not. But even
it is tied to the issue of specific designs, and fails
to address the main issue: why the systems per class
rule, and should it be changed?
--- owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
<> wrote:
> I beg to differ here, but only because I'm a pain
the rear. :)
> The M-16 had quad .50 cals. Given that they shoot
down aircraft, and *do*
> have the capability of engaging lightly armored
vehicles at shorter
> ranges, I'd call 'em RFAC/1s.
> Still, that does give 4 class 1 weapons on a size 2
track if you go that
> way, which breaks the rule.
> However, as Indy stated, part of the elegance of
Jons rules is
> *abstraction*. The M-16 was an AA vehicle. I'd go
with a basic ADS and a
> second RFAC (coaxially mounted). The ADS fires
against ground targets as
> an RFAC, so a pair of them adequately covers the
added firepower for my
> purposes, though clearly I would not be representing
it as 4 weapons.
> No rules are perfect, and in DSII, I think that "the
intended combat
> effect" is often more to be sought than the issue of
"how many guns can I
> cram on this sucker?" mentality.
> :)
> J
> >
> > M-16 halftrack: 4xAPSW on a size 2 track.
> >
> > I don't really find a tactical reason to have
> > heavy weapons on a single vehicle (excepting
> > GMS/automatic weapon combos) anyway.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
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