Re: [Virus]
From: Glenn M Wilson <warbeads@j...>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 06:45:27 PDT
Subject: Re: [Virus]
I never mentioned food and shelter. I like your additional factors.
But, yes, traditional ways are always nice.
On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 21:24:11 -0400 "Laserlight" <>
>> Require them to read and explain (to everyone's understanding) all
>> Phil Barker's rules - to a bunch of GW fanatics and 'colonial'
>> war gamers.
>Over the phone, to a customer service center in India, with no
>No, because I'd rather not support provide food and shelter for the
>rest of their lives. Dipping them in honey and feeding them to army
>ants would suffice. "They're not features...they're bugs!"
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