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Re: Alternative Monster Mech

From: "Robin Fitton" <contactrobin@h...>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2004 15:16:45 +0000
Subject: Re: Alternative Monster Mech

Regarding the size: It does not look out of place, but if you are after
exact scale model then the Brigade model is nearer the size.


>From: John K Lerchey <>
>Subject: Re: Alternative Monster Mech
>Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2004 11:13:01 -0400 (EDT)
>yeah.	Somehow I misread (likley wishful thinking) that if fit EACH
>into a Ral Partha hex.  Oh well.  I'd still buy a tiny one just 'cause
>would be cool.
>John K. Lerchey
>Computer and Network Security Coordinator
>Computing Services
>Carnegie Mellon University
>On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Ryan Gill wrote:
>>At 10:37 AM -0400 7/9/04, John K Lerchey wrote:
>>>Maybe you could let Tony at Brigade or Jon at GZG ... borrow it for a

>>>week or two, and if a mold were quietly to be made....
>>If it just fits into one RalPartha Hex base, it's too small. It needs
>>be twice that size at least.
>>In the words of the Director of "Wormhole X-Treme!"..."BiG-Gerr!"
>>-		    Data Center Operations Group		-
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>>- Ryan Montieth Gill			 One CNN Center SE0813 E -
>>- Internet Technologies   --	 Data Center Operations Manager  -
>>- Hours 11am - 7pm Mon - Fri	      (8Sdc, 10Sdc IT@3Ndc)	 -
>>- Cellular: 404-545-6205	       e-mail: -
>>- Office: 404-588-6191					 -
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