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Re: I'm back

From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2004 17:14:07 -0500
Subject: Re: I'm back

On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 16:21:33 -0400 Ryan Gill <>
>At 1:37 PM -0500 7/3/04, <> wrote:
>Well, the Tuffleyverse has a description of large 
>battles fought over water with Hovercraftr and 
>GRAV vehicles. A grav platform seems ideal for 
>waterborne fights in that its fast and has a low 
>water disturbance profile for its speed.

Works best with the WW2/WW3 model of future waterborne combat instead of
the 'Subs and Targets' model.

>I suspect a submarine would have a hard time with 
>a small force of fast tanks.

Let's take a page from the 'non-existent'  sub launched SAM shall we?

The weapon is ejected from the tube with compressed air/gas, a rocket
ignites inside the 'bubble' and accelerates it towards the surface near
the target where it pops up, seeks and finds the target and then either
acts as an ASM or drops a torpedo like weapon that accelerates under the
vehicle and explodes up (since armor is thinner underneath (see mine
rules) and scores a kill.

 But how would the 
>tanks deal with the sub? Homing torps once they 
>have a localized location? Sono-buoys seem the 
>ideal means of checking for the craft.

Grav/GEV vehicles would seem like very low flying aircraft/helicopters.


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