Prev: Re: Mixed Tech forces was Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc. Next: RE: [DS] Stargate

RE: Mixed Technology Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 08:16:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Mixed Technology Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.

--- wrote:

> 1. If you had to assemble a force armed with only 1
> specific direct-fire weapon system (weapon and
> class), what would it be?

MDCs or HKPs.  Most versatile anti-armor weapon and
the sucessor to the main guns carried in modern heavy
armored vehicles.  Different sizes are demanded by the
different roles played by armored vehicles, so I can't
answer the second half.

> 2.  If you had to assemble a force wielding only
> "energy" weapons, what would you do? (such as I am
> doing with my Goa'uld forces)

I'd go out for a couple of beers and then mix DFFGs
and HELs.  Homogenous platoons (so that I can fire all
the platoon's weapons at the same time) and
heterogenous companies.
> A.  If I was the All-MDC force, I'd try to maintain
> the distance between the forces, sniping at the
> HEL's first, trusting I could give better than I
> got.

Generally a good answer, and as good as can be given
without looking at the terrain.

> B.  If I were the Energy-Weapon force, I'd do my
> best to keep the enemy busy with my HEL's at range,
> while trying to close with the DFFG's as quickly as
> possible.

That's really your only hope.


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