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Re: [DS] Stargate

From: Popeyesays@a...
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2004 18:42:49 EDT
Subject: Re: [DS] Stargate

In a message dated 6/6/2004 2:20:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
And in any event, I was just quoting Col MacGyver, not expressing
my own personal opinion.  Though, compared to Staff weapons in 
CQB, the P90 IS a weapon of war.  Besides, it makes sense from a 
weight perspective.  The P90 weighs a pound lighter fully loaded 
with 20 extra rounds, and is smaller, which, if you're on an 
exploration team, is probably more critical than sheer firepower.  
(Firepower is what the SGC Marine assault teams are for.  (8-) )  
Besides, I thought the smaller round actually penetrated armour 
better -- at least, from the open sources I've seen.

The P-90 fires a 5.56mm round just the same as the M-16 and the newer
carbine. The MP-5 they use to tote on Stargate fires a 9mm round, which
is a 
pistol pullet the same as the M-9 Beretta pistol in standard use in the
fires. The penetration and energy provided by the assault rifle 5.56mm
dwards that of the 9mm pistol round.


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