Re: [FH] What do you call in Drop Troops the NSL
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 09:48:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [FH] What do you call in Drop Troops the NSL
> However, I'd expect the
> unexpected, as my admittedly limited experience suggests
> Russian-coined terms can tend towards 'quirky'. ;->=
Also russify shamelessly from other european languages (e.g. "Tank") :)
Sort of the anti-Francophones...
I was thinking the weird fascination with 'rocket' that seems to rival
usage of 'cosmos'. While we'd think of 'rocket troops' as missle firing,
I'm not sure the Russian-dominant ESU space forces wouldn't use it in
terms for space troops.
On the other other hand, there's always MIR, which is both peace and
>Assault-Landing Battalions [desantno-shturmovyy
>batalion, DShB]
Thank you for all the names, but especially this one.
Small aside, the Sh in Russian is one letter: sort of a squared-off W.
thirty-three characters in their alphabet, they have doubles on most of
vowels, with half starting with a 'y' sound. Sh-Ch is one character,
looking like the Sh with a small tail.
Helps to explain John's 'DShB'; I remember, as a kid, taking years
before I
accepted that CCCP was es-es-es-er. ;->=