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Re: Overseas ordering again (was: Re: GZG 6/15/25 mm infantry figures questions)

From: Jerry Acord <acord@i...>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 08:25:20 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Overseas ordering again (was: Re: GZG 6/15/25 mm infantry figures questions)

On Mon, 24 May 2004, Ground Zero Games wrote:

> >4) Find credit card company that is fast to
> >    flag suspicious purchase.


> Can I just point out that though this is generally a very good 
> security measure, it DOES cause US a certain amount of problems and 
> hassle - it results in the card bouncing when we try to put the 
> transaction through


Some credit card companies offer a service online by which you can 
generate a temporary credit card number for which you may specify both
expiration date and the credit limit.  Let's say I want to order $150 
worth of goods from company X.	I log into my account, request a credit 
card number, and enter say $200 (if I'm not sure how much shipping might

be let's say) and an expiration date of 2 months (if they can't fill my 
order in two months, I'll go elsewhere...).  Seconds later, I've got my 
card number, and use it just like my regular cc.  Only if anyone steals 
it, it only has $200 limit and it's no good after 2 months anyway.

Jerry Acord

Jerry Acord [+] [+]

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