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GZG figures to represent others...

From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 06:00:41 -0500
Subject: GZG figures to represent others...

I want some feedback  for something -

I want to represent certain 'nations' I am building with GZG figures in
(in priority: 6 mm, 15 mm and 25 mm) all 3 'common' scales.

Nation (priority order) 	Current Intended figures
NPC				NI	have 26 x 25 mm
IC				?
LLAR				Using Alternative Armies Crusaders
PHR				?
NEA				NAC?	have 24 + PA + walkers in
6 mm
RH				?
UNSC				UNSC	have 8 x 15 mm and 1 x 
25 mm

I was thinking of doing this as an overall scheme:

Nation		Intended figures
IC		FSE (yes, there are IC but only in 25 mm, sigh...)
LLAR		(Alternative Armies) or IF (helmets)
PHR		Brigade's pending infantry or GZG Japanese - SG 2
armor D4...
UNSC		UNSC	have some 15 mm and one 25 mm

NPC = Native People's Circle
IC = Indonesian Commonwealth
LLAR = League of Latin American Republics
PHR = People's Holy Republic
RH = Romanov hegemony
UNSC = United Nations Space Command
NI = New Isreali
IF =  islamic Fed.
NAC, NSL, FSE, ESU should be understood...

Comments, suggested changes anyone?


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