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[SG] After Action Report

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 20:29:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [SG] After Action Report

OK, I'll post a longer version tomorrow, or maybe Don
will post something a little more objective.  Short
version--3-sided bug hunt, overwhelming NRE victory
due to devious (deviant?) Byzantine Treachery [tm]

TO: Captain Michael Stratelates, Commanding Officer,
Imperial Battlecruiser Jan Sobieski

FROM: Lietenant (JG) Basil Romanides

RE: After Action Report 29 APR 82 Hunter's World

1.   Insertion via shuttle performed uneventfully in
accordance with OPORD 21-04 (Appendix A).  Landing pad
secured with no sighting of station population.  A/1st
Squad, Assault Walker 1, 1 Technician, and 2 Power
Armored Marines ordered to secure security station. 
A/2nd Squad, 2 Marines, and Assault Walker 2 sent to
security power plant.  B/1st Squad secured landing
pad.  Walker 3, 1 Marine, and B/2nd Squad held back as
reserve.  1 Marine and a medic were detailed as
medevac team.  Walker 4, demo team, and 1 tech held
back in reserve as well.

2.    Upon entering the power plant, A/2nd was engaged
by numerous xenomorphs.  The entire fire team as well
as 1 marine were killed.  Walker 2 and Walker 3 were
committed to clear the power plant and B/2nd was moved
up to secure the hallway next to the power plant.  The
walkers were extremely sucessful, killing approx 20
xenomorphs with their flamers and destroying large
quantities of eggs.  Remaining xenomorphs fled.

3.    A/1st secured the security station with no
resistance.  Internal surveillance was still
operational and floor plans were passed to platoon
leader (Appendix B).  It was also noted that two other
human forces had entered the compound.	One was
identified as Imperial Japanese Naval personell.  The
other was a previously unknown human force (MW1202
First Contact Report included) which identified
themselves as the Commonwealth Union of Northern

4.    Contact was made with the Union forces on a
peaceful basis.  Union forces proved susceptible to
field disinformation efforts and were redirected away
from the area of the compound in which Imperial forces
were operating.  Union commander was encouraged to
engage Japanese forces as apparently the Commonwealth
Union barbarians cannot recognize IJN uniforms and
were misled into believing the IJN detachment were

5.    Based on floor plans recovered, the technician
operating with A/1st as well as 2 Marines and a walker
moved to secure the backup control facility and
perform a complete download of the primary computer
system.  In addition, stasis tubes containing the
station director and his immediate family were located
and secured.  Power was shut off to the half of the
station where IJN forces were operating.

6.  B/2nd, Walker 3, and 3 Marines continued to move
down the corridor adjacent to the power plant until
they encountered a large Japanese force across a large
storage bay.  They took position but did not initiate
hostilities.  The Japanese forces did this as well,
pinning down half their troops.

7.  At some point the Japanese had determined the
majority of the xenomorphs were operating in the
sublevels of the facility, as had I.  Walkers 1 and 2
were sealing off any openings to get from the
sublevels to the main level in the Roman sector.  The
Japanese took a more proactive approach.  They rigged
a barrel of explosive and toxic chemicals with a
detonator and hurled it down a manhole cover.  The
resulting explosion detonated an oil pumping station
which caused a blast through the entire facility,
destroying Walkers 1 and 2 which were near vents
sealing them off.  The blast also killed at least 4
Japanese soldiers.

8.    Walker 3 began exploring the area between the
power plant and the main Union concentration and
located a number of xenomorphs.  With judicious use of
the flamer, it was discovered to be possible to 'herd'
the xenomorphs and Walker 3 began herding them into
the intersection between the IJN and the Union.

9.   The Union forces, believing the IJN to be
pirates, encountered an IJN squad in a storage room. 
In the ensuing firefight, the IJN lost approx 5
infantry, 2 suits powered armor, and a walker.	Caught
inbetween the Union forces, our troops in the 
 storage room, and two sizable xenomorph
concentrations the IJN chose to withdraw.

10.   The Commonwealth Union commander was bought off
with the station's rations, survival supplies, extra
mopheads, and some bleach from the cleaning closet. 
Apparently they are really badly off and are cheaply

11.   Having secured 1 ton of gold bullion, 500 kg of
platinum, complete computer files of the station from
both executive and scientific computers, and the
project director and family, it is the recommendation
of this officer that the Hunter's World bioresearch
facility can be secured with a relatively low cost in
life since the IJN destroyed the largest concentration
of the xenomorphs.  However, we require a larger troop
investment than a single naval infantry platoon. 

Lieutenant(JG) Basil Romanides
Commanding Officer 
Naval Infantry Detachment
Imperial Battlecruiser Jan Sobieski

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