Re: Paper Vehicle
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 07:19:18 -0500
Subject: Re: Paper Vehicle
>From the web site:
Apologies again but how does that curse go...............
May you live in interesting times!
Well I am and I promise as soon as life gets boring again
I'll make some more models.
Here's hoping the lemons turn to lemonade!
>From the note:
(look I understand my logic even if you don't :)
Scary, but I figure we probably DO understand...
So I wanted to make some Sci-Fi 15mm vehicles next. So anyone want to
ideas of what they would like to see?
I'm curious if the list folk would like boxes similar to some of your
buildings: lids to lift off and see interiors. Large enough, and I could
use 'em as small ships for boarding party-style actions. ;->=
However, I wondered if folks wanted to have figs inside for figuring,
firing from APC's.