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Re: Grazers then Ship Sizes

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 03:38:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Grazers then Ship Sizes

Perhaps a campain system of some kind?
(I think this thought came up before -- must check the archives.)
At least a campain system would force economic limits on big ships.

For "one off" battles,	there is nothing to stop that sort of play.
(Outside of homebrew rules of course.)

Another thought just occured:
Something someone said in history (I forget who...)
"You can't legistlate morality."

A prime example of this: The American illegalization of Booze in the 
This lead to the rise of illegal bars, "bootleg" booze.  Of course the 
criminal eliments organized themselves to supply the demand.  What 
started as an attempt to "dry out" the country, ended up giving us worse

criminals to deal with.

How does this relate?
All of the reasons that a fleet command wouldn't build such "uber ships"

mostly exist outside the scope of the FT game.	(Perhaps St. Jon could 
create another game to include those "natural factors" that would 
interface with his other games?)

Deturmined players are going to go off and do what they like with it 
anyway. I hope FT doesn't try to limit the players.  ( I remember SFB 
staff saying "If  you are not playing the game the way we intended it, 
you are breaking the"warenty".	oy!)

Ok, dispite what I just said, some things can be done for those "one

If you have reasonable players, the build system as is will work fine.
If not, you could tweek the hull costs, or simulate a campain...(Use 
some random rolls, and tables?)
Or use pre-game agreements...

Just some thoughts.

Donald Hosford

Oerjan Ohlson wrote:

> Michael Robert Blair wrote:
>> At the same time we don't want ridiculously large
>> ships, if a fleet has just one mass 500 ship then
>> something is badly wrong.
> Since the Fleet Book ship design system encourages just that - fleets 
> consisting of very few, extremely large ships - something appearently 
> *is* badly wrong with it. My question to you then becomes: should we 
> leave it badly wrong in this way, or should we try to do something 
> about it?
> Regards,
> Oerjan
> "Life is like a sewer.
>  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
> -Hen3ry

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