Prev: Diceless Full Thrust (was: more Graser observations) Next: Re: ? for the FT players or anyone with RW Naval Build Times

Re: ? for the FT players or anyone with RW Naval Build Times

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 07:40:55 -0600
Subject: Re: ? for the FT players or anyone with RW Naval Build Times

>The overall total is 4964.52 TMF/year, 16772.1 NPV/year.

The scary thing is, I'm assuming it's smaller than what was possible to
create, or even was created, in the FH. There's no reason to believe
the NAC was building at full rates through the period, and the
can't count the obsolescent classes built at the start of build runs for
some ships, or the newer classes mentioned but not seen in the FB's.

>RW build times for ships vary wildly.
>2 years is about right for a 3,500 tonne ship
>5 years is about right for a 80,000 tonne ship

Not sure if the previous inquistor wanted to know, but would a slip(?)
in a
shipyard capable of building an 80,000 tonne be a) capable of building
one 3,500 tonne at a time, b) capable of multiple smaller ships, or c)
wouldn't be used for such a small ship, even if the need were great?

Your per ship completion time to time difference sounds right, but it
be that for the ships in question, with the same resources, you might be
able to complete more of the smaller ships than works out that way.

Also, hasn't emergency 'rush' tended to speed smaller ship construction
more than larger ones?

Anyone have experience with RW shipyards?



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