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Re: [SGII] Nasty Cover

From: agoodall@a...
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 15:23:09 +0000
Subject: Re: [SGII] Nasty Cover

Yves wrote:

> Also, having lighter type of cover (+1/0), (+2/0), also help to speed
> game. One can put a small marker for on the table those non-standard
> type.

You beat me to it! Also, with my comment about bullet proof glass, you
could have (0/+1) and (0/+2).

This can get complicated, with a pretty involved chart needed to tell
the players which cover is what, but it does allow some scope for
players that want the extra flexibility. As an example, thick jungle
ferns may be +2/+1 (very hard to see through because of the big leaves,
but not as much cover as an actual tree). 

I probably won't use this except for specialized terrain, but it does
offer a lot of flexibility.

Allan Goodall

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