RE: UNSC beta and FB3/going to incommunicado
From: Matt Tope <mptope@o...>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 12:07:17 +0000
Subject: RE: UNSC beta and FB3/going to incommunicado
Glenn wrote:
>Thanks for the definitions from your viewpoint/understanding.
>War gamers don't usually use precise language about such details, yet
>differebntiate between Hussars and Chevau Legers.... Especially in a
>Science FICTION game about technologies, like FTL, that don't (and in
>some cases can't) exist.
Here here!
Can't stress the FICTION side of it too much me thinks...
>Will leave list for a while (will be incommunicado and don't want
>mail box to fill up) and will re-join/return, Lord Willing, when I
>return. Not "work" related... <grin>
Whatever you are up to, take care, have fun, and hope to see you back on
this list before to long.
Matt Tope