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RE: My thoughts on Fighters

From: DOCAgren@a...
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 21:40:22 EST
Subject: RE: My thoughts on Fighters

I will be respond to resonces that came in Digest 1950.

<<From: "B Lin" <>
Subject: RE: My thoughts on Fighters

Yes and no.  In theory the additional shields that Capitals field should
them harder to kill than an equivalent massed Merchant.  The problem is
shields are limited to level 2 and there is currently no real reason to
more than 2 (i.e. back-up generators) since it is cost and mass
prohibitive, so 
Capital ship defense plateaus off while fighters can just keep stacking
it on.

This doesn't address weapon systems that ignore shields.

- --Binhan>>

What fighters beside Torpedo fighters don't use "Beam Damage" to figure
these hit and for how much?

<<Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 21:36:20 +0000
From: Roger Burton West <>
Subject: Re: My thoughts on Fighters

On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 04:13:54PM -0500, wrote:
>An Idea I have played is to allow Fighters normal attacks against
Escort and 
>Merchant Ships, per 1 Screen for Cruiser, and per 2 Screens for Captial

Apart from other objections, this restores the hard size categories of
the FT2 design system, which led to all sorts of breakpoint problems.>>

Okay then instead of using "general terms" how about...
All fighters, but Torpedo, attack as normal against Warship up to 45
Mass and 
all Merchant Ships.
Attack against a Warship Mass 46 to 99, +1 on to hit roll
Attack against a Warship Mass 100+, +2 on to hit roll

Meaning a Standard Fighter would hit: 
a 25 Mass ship on a 4-6, a 70 Mass ship on a 5-6, and a 150 Mass ship on
a 6 

This would still make fighters effect as always against Small Ships,
what effective on Middle of the Road Ships, and when attacking the Heavy
not really.

>Now all of this might have been fixed in New Playtest rules, as I've
>gotten to read them thur yet.

PDSes don't do any more damage, but a fighter group can be fired on a
lot before it gets to PDS range...


That nice you can engage them at range..  :-)
Have a Good One,

DOC Agren

     (Lurker on the Digest)

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