Re: California/Texas secession
From: Bri <rlyehable@c...>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 14:54:15 -0500
Subject: Re: California/Texas secession
Mark A. Siefert wrote:
>I always imagine the "Uniting Factor" for Free Cal/Tex would be a
>resentment toward "foreign" rule and a yearning for the days when they
>sovereign states. Of course, whether the right-wing Texans, and the
>left-wing Californians can get along with each other is a different
I think you have it.
When martial law was declared in the US following the economic collapse,
I imagine that both Texas and California seceded from the united states.
They probably formed a pact for mutual protection during the civil war
and subsequent rule by the Anglican Federation. This pact likely evolved
into the CalTex government of GZG.