Re: Fighters and Hangers
From: Jared Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 22:21:16 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Fighters and Hangers
--- Doug Evans <> wrote:
> ***
> I had always understood fighters to actually move
> to point blank range from their 6" stand off to
> actually engage the ship they targeted. Rather
> than fire from 6 MU away.
> ***
> Absolutely right, though I think Jared is trying to speak of range
> effect.
No. I meant exactly what I said. Standoff range.
> However, you end up on top of the ship location. If he DIDN'T
> understand, he owes you thanks. ;->=
No, I don't. I am interested in finding out the the details of this
interpretation, but I think it has a lot of holes.
> That final attack move is the reason given for PDS's working the way
> they do, of course.
What final attack move? I see FB says attacks cost an EF, and
secondary moves cost a separate EF, but nowhere does it say that the
fighter group is moved either during, or as a result of, the attack.