Re: Fighters and Hangers
From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 19:32:06 GMT
Subject: Re: Fighters and Hangers
In message <>
Jared Hilal <> wrote:
> My point is that, as a generic game (which is where FT can really
> shine), I think it would be reasonable to have an optional second set
> of rules for fighters covering their effect verses ships and ship
> design (hanger, launch and recovery facilities, etc.) for settings
> where the ships are much larger than those in the GZG background.
> would not affect the FB designs (which use the standard rules),
> fighter-fighter combat, or movement. Only fighter-ship combat and
> design would be affected. We have tried several schemes for this for
> SW, B5 and home grown settings and it works well. Having a single set
> of such a variant, which has been vetted by those who have close
> knowledge of the FT design process, would be a benefit to the game by
> increasing its adaptability.
> J
Could you post these 'alternative fighter schemes' on the list please,
I'd be interested in seeing them.