Re: What is FT Lite?
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 18:04:09 -0600
Subject: Re: What is FT Lite?
>No example SSDs, but someone is working on them and IIRC they should be
>ready by Christmas 2003.
And Charlie Brown thought we wouldn't know sarcasm when we heard it...
Small suggestion: I think the movement example image would be more
intuitive if the initial course was towards the top of the page, though
realize we want people to be able to visualize the offset viewing a
tabletop might have.
Further polish would be to make the initial course dotted, and the first
leg extended beyond the turn point to emphasize the second angle, but
are both asking alot from such a small piccie. In my printout, the
course, as well as the final leg, are sawtoothed.
I shall keep this sheet in my billfold at all times; last time I tried
play without books handy, I apparently got the turn split all wrong.
I've REALLY got to get those grumblers playing again.