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RE: simple rules for non-gamers

From: agoodall@a...
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 14:28:20 +0000
Subject: RE: simple rules for non-gamers

Doug wrote:

> Still, you're right; it's good to have games that are co-operative. I
> that RPG's do that a lot, but it's refreshing in a miniatures combat

I've had quite a bit of success playing miniatures co-operatively,
including a "historical" game that I played with a friend to help him
plot out a battle in an alternative history novel he's written. There
are a number of board games that are set up co-operatively, too,
including the Buffy the Vampire Slayer game (which is essentially a
miniatures game on a square grid) and the German designer game version
of _Lord of the Rings_.

Allan Goodall

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