Re: How to put a Tegethoff dreadnought together?
From: Frits Kuijlman <frits@p...>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:50:18 +0100
Subject: Re: How to put a Tegethoff dreadnought together?
Doug Evans wrote:
> Short answer: both. There were a wide variety in quality with the
> sets; many were dreadful. Jon's, by my small sample and many reports,
> much more consistant, and on the good side at that. Also, I think KR
> with several casting companies over the course of his license. I've
> AoG had a similar story with it's first B5 stuff.
Okidoki, that's it then. I also have some Japanese and UNSC ships I
bought directly from Jon, and there is almost no flash at all on these
ships. The NSL ships are older of course, but at least this gives me
hope of buying some nice versions of NSL ships at Salute.
Frits Kuijlman F.Kuijlman@{its,cs,twi}
Delft University of Technology The Netherlands
The next Murphy Mania will be in Spring 2005, and not in Autumn 2004.