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Test list was Re: [FT] Yet Another Fighters Suggestion

From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 05:29:07 -0600
Subject: Test list was Re: [FT] Yet Another Fighters Suggestion

On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 20:29:15 +1100 Hugh Fisher <>
>Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
> Beth and you have explained why there wasn't anything
> about the tests in the archives. Sorry for being a bit
> snappy, I hadn't thought of the NDA aspect.
>	Cheers,
>	Hugh

It  __can__  be hard on the non-testers whether FT 3, DS 3, FMAS
or Bugs Don't Surf is your focus.  And I think we all understand that :

1)  An international effort requires a lot more overhead in that you
to make sure every test game is understood as to starting parameters
(apples or oranges comparisons issue)

2)  Everyone wants to know if problem "x" is being fixed and how but yet
respect Jon's desire to keep changes from being broadcast before a
problem with the 'fix' is discovered and the change eliminated

3) Jon has a business and a Real Life (tm)

4)  Not everyone agrees with a working proposed fix 

5)  SG2 doesn't marry up with DS 2 which doesn't marry up with FT - the
games are  not "integrated" conceptually, partially because each was
designed as stand alone game and not as a linked set of games - so APSWs
in DS 2 don't match heavy weapons in SG 2, yada-yada-yada

6)  Check out the web site ( the "Encyclopedia" one - URL is ?? ) and
what the players have done to implement their vision of what the base
universe is like and you see that even 'simple' games have different
meanings to different testers

And as a result we wait (more or less patiently to see if our perceived
'problem' is 'fixed' or if person "Alpha Tango" who has a house rule
addresses a 'problem' works to fix said "problem" or not.


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