Re: [FT] Yet Another Fighters Suggestion
From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2004 21:27:58 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] Yet Another Fighters Suggestion
Laserlight wrote:
>It is impossible to have "campaign cost" be meaningful without, at a
>bare minimum, specifying the campaign situation and economics. How
>are fighters worth in Battlestar? In SWars? Trek?
>And even once you have the economic and production factors established
>for a campaign, you *still* have to have design a Cr cost system which
>takes the same data as the CPV system and uses a different process to
>generate a balanced result.
Not true.
If your campaign design system ("Cr") does not give the same results as
CPV, then the players will gravitate (usually quite rapidly) towards
those designs which give the highest CPV/Cr ratio - ie., those designs
which give the highest bang per buck. In most cases, all sides involved
soon find themselves using very similar designs.
This is essentially what happens in the real world, where various
could make excellent weapon systems if they could only be produced in
enough numbers at an affordable cost. 'Course, the real world the
additional complication that each "player" has his or her own "campaign
design system" - so what would give the best bang-per-buck for one state
can easily be completely wasteful for another :-/
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."