Re: Kids at GZG ECC?
From: "Noah V. Doyle" <nvdoyle@i...>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 09:01:50 -0500
Subject: Re: Kids at GZG ECC?
At 11:00 PM 1/26/2004 -0800, Allan Goodall wrote:
>I'm just trying to gauge whether or not a kid game track would be of
>interest. Or, for that matter, if adults wouldn't mind playing with
>(which is sort of what we do all the time, anyway).
Absolutely. One of the things keeping me from attending cons is that
got three kids now - and leaving the wife alone with all of them for 4
would be, ah, unwise. So if I could bring the oldest (6 now, 7 by the
the next ECC rolls around), that would help a -lot-, especially if there
were things like that for him to be involved in.
Noah Doyle
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