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Re: NAC additions

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 20:08:59 +0100
Subject: Re: NAC additions

Ryan wrote:

>>>Beatty Class Fast Battleship
>>>(Victoria Class Hull/Spade w/ Vandenburg class Engine Pods)
>>				   Mass    Cost
>>TMF: 134			  -	  134
>>NPV: 487
>>Thrust: 6/FTL 		  40+13   80+26
>>30 Hull			  30	  60
>>5 Armor		  5	  10
>>1 Screen			  7	  21
>>4 PDS 			  4	  12
>>ADFC				  2	  8
>>3 FC				  3	  12
>>2 Pulse Torps 		  8	  24
>>2 Class 1			  2	  6
>>3 Class 3 (3 arcs)		  12	  36
>>MT Sup Sensors	  2	  30
>>Total 			  128
>>6 Mass missing on this one
>Weird...I wonder if one of my versions of my Data Base are farked on a 
>calculation somewhere. I hope not.
>Picking at it, it looks like it may be a confusion on costs.
>3 Class 3 w/ 3 arcs each should be 6 mass per mount/18 mass for the 3.

D'oh! Yes, of course it should. Doesn't help the other ones though :-(

(This is the main reason why I include the entire calculation on the
checked, BTW - it allows the rest of you to double-check my checks!)



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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