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RE: FT-Weapon idea MDC

From: "Paul Owen" <paul.owen@g...>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:58:57 -0000
Subject: RE: FT-Weapon idea MDC

>My idea for the MDCs is as follows-

>Mass=3 mass for 1 arc, 4 mass for 3 arcs, 5 mass for 6 arcs.

>Cost=4x mass.

>Dammage=1 Die at long range (0-36 mu), 3 Die at medium range (0-24 mu),
>Die at close range (0-12 mu). Ranges are the maximum that the
>dammage may fire upto. Ignores sheilds, but has no reroll for 6`s. Non 
>penitrating, so all dammage taken against armour first.

>Ammo=10 rounds per mass (at 4x cost). Uses 1 round for a limited (long 
>range) burst, 3 rounds for a moderate burst (medium range), and 6
>for a continus burst (close range). May elect to fire a shorter burst
>nesasery or able to if desired (can fire a limited burst at 0-12 mu if 

How do the variations in ammo usage / rate effect the damage die?

Paul Owen

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