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Re: Fleet Composition - What more should I get?

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@y...>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 11:08:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Fleet Composition - What more should I get?

--- Jerry Han <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Lot's of great suggestions about fleet composition
> from other people out there -- I'd just like to add
one note. Remember, whatever you get,
> you'll have FUN with.  You'll like painting those
> ships and playing with those ships.  If you don't
like the look/feel of a ship, then  buying it to just
fill your order of battle seems kind of silly to 
> me.
I will second this!   If you do not like the looks
of the ship, don't use it!   It is not nc3essary for 
every squadron of a navy to have every type of ship
in the fleet.  

> Jalinth wrote:
All are FSE. Though
> > from what I've read FSE is not the fleet for me.
> NSL sounds more like what I am looking for. Flying
Bricks with lots o' guns. ...I will probably use NSL
or Custom ships for my actual stats, but I want to
maintain a consistent look to my fleet.
I would suggest that using the heavy cruiser for 
the basis of the cruiser squadrons.   The heavy is
more like the rest of the fleet, I.E. square and 
rugged looking, it also makes for some nice 
variant types with the addition of spare bits.
The lighter cruisers look 'fragile' (BC and BB also)
and not quite the same as the rest of the fleet.

Bye for now,
John L.

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