Prev: Thermal transfer of laser print? Re: Best Inkjet Decal Paper? Next: Re: [OFFICIAL] Happy Christmas to all!

Re: Best Inkjet Decal Paper?

From: "John K. Lerchey" <lerchey@a...>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 14:02:06 -0500
Subject: Re: Best Inkjet Decal Paper?


For what it's worth, I'm working (on the side) for Decals Express 
(  While we don't have a lot to offer yet, our 
decals are pretty good (if I don't say so myself) and we'll make custom 
orders.  If anyone has specific needs, let me know.  I've also just
from the owner that Decals Express will be at the ECC.	I plan to add
items to the line before then, so if anyone needs custom work done, get
touch before then so that I can try to have things done by the ECC. :)

Sorry for the shameless plug.

Oh, BTW, I have tried doing decals on an inkjet and it did not work very

well.  I am now using an ALPS MD-5000 dry transfer printer and print on 
sheets of decal paper.	This method works much better and we get pretty 
clean decal sheets out of it.



--On Monday, December 22, 2003 6:49 PM +0000 Dom Mooney 
<> wrote:

> On Sunday, December 21, 2003, at 05:58 AM, Mark A. Siefert wrote:
>> Another craft question:  As a cost saving measure, I'm going to be
>> making my
>> own decals from now on.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what
>> inkjet
>> printer paper I should use?	I've used SuperCal in the past, but the
>> clear
>> decals are WAY too clear.  Can anyone name a better choice?
> Mark,
> If you get details or recommendations, can you either post them here
> let me know, as I'm interested in getting the large numbers of
> ships I have completed now PP:F has taken flight.
> Thanks,
> Dom
> Power Projection: "It's all about going to other people's
> planets and making *them* do what *we* want."
> CPO Vandenbroucke, IIN Dreadnought 'Cleon the First'.

John K. Lerchey
Computer and Network Security Coordinator
Carnegie Mellon University

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