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RE: [SG] Question re Polish regiments...

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 13:34:27 -0500
Subject: RE: [SG] Question re Polish regiments...

At 12:48 PM -0500 12/2/03, wrote:
>The only thing I recall is on, an article
> by JohnA which
>>The Polish Regiments
>>During the European Civil War in 2101-2103, Poland sided with the EC.
>prevent the need to fight a 2-front war, the NSL partitioned Poland
>the RH again (Note: This would be the fifth time Germans have
>Poland with Russians. I'm just following a historical trend - Poland is


What was the history of relations with the NAC? I'm kind of fond of 
the Polish military for their ability to generally resist to the end 
(vs the french mode) and their long time amiable relations with 
Britain. Accounts of Polish Units in WWII fighting the Germans 
(Polish Para Brigade, Free Polish Armored units, etc) and their very 
methodical and indubitable resolve is something to be admired in 
spite of their many misfortunes.

The big fly I see with friendly relations based on good past history 
is through the NAC being on good terms with the NSL and not so good 
terms with the ESU or FSE.
- Ryan Montieth Gill			     '01 Honda Insight -
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