Re: [SGII] [DSII] 170th North American Infantry
From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 17:02:32 -0600
Subject: Re: [SGII] [DSII] 170th North American Infantry
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 11:56:30 -0500 Ryan M Gill <>
>At 10:35 AM -0600 11/26/03, Don M wrote:
>>The Berets are nice and useful for head wear when
>>in an AFV (I wear a RAC beret when I drive my
>>Ferret or Dingo around) but US troops are big on
>>their CVCs and being safe over looking smart
>>(something that hurts us on peace keeping as it
>>puts the locals off).
>>*Prefer my kevlar CVC to a bullet in my Beret!
>Granted, but in some sitiations it's not really warranted. I've heard
>of several instances where our guys have shown up looking ready for
>battle and it changed the situation. Whereas the Brits (who have more
>than a few bits of experience in that sort of thing) showed up in
>lighter kit with berets (armed still) and were able to calm the
>situation down.
>Now, in combat, sure. Wear that CVC or Kevlar, but in peacekeeping it
>might be better. Same thing goes for road marches.
Seems to my benighted mind that a hell of a lot of 'peacekeepers' are
shot at the last 50 years... Please excuse the language, Beth... As
someone once observed about women in 'combat support' jobs, "Well,
fine and dandy if we were fighting someone civilized like the Canadians
But we haven't done that in a long time, just barbarians."
Hx, SF, and Fx: 6 mm figures, Starships and 1:6K "Wet Navy" warships
are my main interest. But I have forces in 6 through 25 mm FWIW...
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