is that a drug factory or a baby food processing plant? was Re: [SG/DS] Orbital assault
From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 21:33:03 -0600
Subject: is that a drug factory or a baby food processing plant? was Re: [SG/DS] Orbital assault
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 18:41:00 -0700 "B Lin" <> writes:
>You actually don't need to PSB anything - just make it a Convention -
>something like MAD or the Geneva Conventions - you don't slag civilian
>populations or your country/planet/empire will get slagged in return.
>Seems to work in the modern world with nukes.
True, it makes the games easier to rationalize.
>Target identification is a separate issue - you still have the problem
>of ID whether you are shooting a Class 10 beam, a 2000 lbs PGM or a
>class 5 HEL. Is it an armory or a hospital? Are those reporters with
>abig camera or enemy infantry with an ATGM? The only difference is
>scale - at one end you end up with a single dead friendly, at the
>other, maybe a couple of thousand. If you are having trouble ID'ing
>targets, you might want to stay away from the large scale stuff.
Identifying what kind of building, etc. it is (and 90% of the time what
it is precisely is not a problem even for today's imagery. The real
problem (having done a few no strike graphics) is when sources disagree.
A real life example I worked on in "a country in SEA - not one of my AOR
- Area of Responsibility, Beth, although I expect you know that - which
was my co-worker's current assignment " was a particular building
identified incompatibility on three charts issued by agencies/companies
in said country. Imagine am inverted "T" intersection. Source "A"
says it is on the NE corner, "B" says NW corner and "C" says SW of the
intersection. Who was right? Well, the least reliable (in know matters
and age) map appeared to be right from other open sources. But since
entity could have been in all three sites (but unlikely given it wasn't
"that" mobile by nature of what it was) we considered not including it
the Guide to Numbered Features part of the product. Finally a matter of
deduction and a undegraded image being available we concluded where it
was but not after several days of discussion between analysts in the
process, several 'experts' in the product were consulted, and as said,
the undegraded image was obtained in a format we could view on our
equipment. All for one feature of a product. Now times that for say
30-200 features on a large scale product and see how long it takes to
identify large amounts of 'features'.
Hx, SF, and Fx: 6 mm figures, Starships and 1:6K "Wet Navy" warships
are my main interest. But I have forces in 6 through 25 mm FWIW...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Laserlight []
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:19 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [SG/DS] Orbital assault
>> > I can't imagine that there would be more than 100 installations on
>> planet worth knocking out militarily, especially if you have orbital
>> superiority. So call it 50 hours of bombardment to remove any type
>> major military resistance (military bases, supply centers, large
>> fortifications, automated military factories) This also assumes
>> you've only brought in a single Ortillery ship, three would be more
>> preferrable to give complete coverage of the globe.
>> This assumes
>> a) that you can economically build as large a beam as you want.
>> b) that beam weapons are effective through atmosphere--you might
>> 90% of the effect. Or 10%, or 100%, or whatever number makes you
>> happy.
>> c) in some cases, that you can distinguish the hospital from the
>> school from the armory, and hit only the one you want. Oops, even
>> you only hit the armory, you'll get the school and the hospital from
>> the secondaries. Looks bad on the evening news. (of course, some
>> us don't much care about the evening news).
>> Basically, to make orbital assaults work--and I agree with Beth that
>> we should have them--then we pretty much have to PSB a reason why
>> orbit-to-ground weapons are very limited.
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