RE: Troop Quality
From: DOCAgren@a...
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 10:04:16 EST
Subject: RE: Troop Quality
In a message dated 11/25/03 2:02:08 AM,
owner-gzg-digest@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU writes:
Responces to a # of people from Digest 1811
<< > I would go with 1 Regular Brigade <with best gear>...
> 2 Regular Brigades, staffed at 30-50% with rest being
> Reserve Troopers < and mix of old and new gear>...
> and 3 Brigades (Read Training Cadre) at 20% to be
> staffed out with drafted troops ASAP <with old gear>
Now there's a thought!
Beth >>
Thanks Beth...
It allows for the best of both worlds, you keep a small full time force,
reserves and a training units for the militia when U need them.
<<Your Regular brigade would have something like 50% of
your combat capability, the two reserve units maybe
20% each, and the training units would be pretty
marginal. For one thing, if I'm orbitally assaulting
you will not have the six weeks to pull in the troops
and spin it up--I've gone after the armories on Day 2
or 3.
Now if I knew I was going to need the troops, IE open warfare or in
rebellian, then all of my Reserves troops would be pulled online, and
the Training
Cadre would start their work. It may not allow a "rapid" massive
responce, but
hopeful if I know I'm drawing into a conflict I will have time to
Mobilize my
If You are bring a force to hit my world, large enough to take out # of
spread out defense net bases, hopefully I have some idea it coming. If
then it doesn't matter what # of forces you are bring because U caught
me flat
footed, and I'm going to loss a Large # in the 1st assault anyways. If
you are
a raider hitting me, U might not have the strength, your assets might be
up hitting your targets and keeping the main force off you and your
DOC Agren
(Lurker on the Digest)