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RE: Stars Wars FT SSDs and Ion Cannon (also System Failures)

From: Tim Bancroft <tim@d...>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 22:05:51 -0000
Subject: RE: Stars Wars FT SSDs and Ion Cannon (also System Failures)

Dean, Brendan: Thanks.

Just to confirm Dean,
( I have become confused between the archives and your superb

Ion Cannon should have a maximum of 3 hits from a single salvo - makes 
sense (Or is this against a single craft from a single attacker?). 
hits force a D6 systems failure check against all NON-weapon/bay/hold 
systems with 1-n being the failure result, where "n" is the number of
cannon hits actually scored.

As a straight map onto standard FT an Alternative is:  one could roll 
sandard failure dice for the CURRENT check  with a DM of the number of
scored: a result of 7+ "number of tracks down" is a failure (exactly as
present for non-core systems).	For example, if on the top damage track
having 2 ION cannon hits, the result of failure is 5+ (5+2 = 7).  If 
reaching hte end of that track, the result would merely be +1, as at

BTW Oerjan/Jon, is it worth expressing systems failures in a similar 
fashion throughout the next version of FT?  7 required.  D6+"number of 
damage tracks" - 1 "IF Core System"

Thanks guys.
Tim Bancroft
PS going to Warfare, Rivermead, Reading tomorrow (Saturday - today for 
many, I guess).  Have to leave early due to family visits but do lok out

for the Wargames Journal polo-shirt.

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