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Re: John Atkinson whereabouts - continued...

From: Adrian Johnson <adrian.johnson@s...>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 23:51:08 -0500
Subject: Re: John Atkinson whereabouts - continued...

I'm responding to my own comment here, but I got some feedback from the

My questions to him, and his responses:

> Question for you (not from me) - do you have access
> to a computer regularly
> back in Iraq, either a PC type machine or a
> handheld?

Not regularly.

> I figure you're wanting "real" books because while
> electronic format would
> make it a lot easier to carry lots of books around,
> "real" books are
> something you can carry around easily, don't need
> batteries, won't get
> affected by dust, can loan to friends, and for that
> matter can drop if
> necessary without worrying about the expense of a
> handheld computer hitting
> the dirt and breaking, if you have to stop reading
> in a hurry...

All of the above are completely true.


Adrian Johnson

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