Scaling Combat Walkers
From: "staremu" <star_emu@h...>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 10:13:46 -0800
Subject: Scaling Combat Walkers
Hello all,
I am setting down to writing up my combat walkers for SG2 and would like
some ideas on how people are scalign them. I am using the larger models
in the new GK line. I am using Grizzly, Bear, Den Mother, Razorback,
Kodiak, and Black Adder minis. I opted to use the larger minis in the
line because they seem much more able to contain a 15mm pilot.
Seeing as the scalign system is a bit abstract in the GZG games, I'm
having a bit of trouble deciding if I should classify them as Class 1
or 2 walker. I am leaning toward Class 2. It doesn't help that I
haven't received the minis for some of them yet.