Re: FT: NAC Lancers
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 08:57:43 -0600
Subject: Re: FT: NAC Lancers
Greetings, Büky Ákos! (I'd assume Büky is your familiar, but I've run
agound on cultural disparities far too often to be sure.)
Does anyone knows if there are official stats for the NAC Lancers? Our
group (better to say, about half of the players) are not too fond about
experimental designs, and stick to the FleetBook ships.
If they are "ships" and not some hangar hugging fighters or bombers,
they are something in Corvette range, being a little bigger than the
You've got me running for my book, but I could have sworn that,
lancers ARE Arapaho varients, with a straight swap out of ordinance.
Definitely in the shoot-and-scoot school.
Like I said, I'll have to dig...