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RE: Firing initiative.

From: "Hudak, Michael" <mihudak@s...>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 14:59:39 -0400
Subject: RE: Firing initiative.

> This is very similar to Silent Death's initiative system. In 
> games with 
> large numbers of ships, the initiative tracking becomes... 
> impressive :-/

One thing I've seen from my RPG days is everyone has an index card for
their character, with appropriate modifiers on it, one of which being an
initiative modifier.

When initiative is rolled, the initiative value is written on the card,
then the cards are sorted.  Ties are figured out and then combat just
goes down the list of cards.  Seemed to speed up our combats quite a

This worked well with groups 10-15 large (8 players, 5-7 or more
opponents run by the GM.)  Might be beneficial for larger FT games.

Mike Hudak

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