Re: [OT] Free CalTex Interplanetary Federation in the making,
From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 08:57:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Free CalTex Interplanetary Federation in the making,
--- Dances With Rocks <> wrote:
> I figured the split of Hawai`i from mainland U.S.
> would be pretty
> bloodless (not totally, but moreso than not).
Since the split in general is bloodless in my
timeline, that stands to reason.
> Hawai`i is pretty durn
> far out there, and in the overall scheme of things
> on the mainland
> here, it is a separate country unto itself already
> [present day; I mean,
> the Weather Channel barely acknowledges they exist,
> and CNN rarely
> if ever reports anything about them, to say nothing
> of other "national"
> agencies; everyone here on the mainland kinda just
> ignores Hawai`i
> for the most part).
In a setting that's well-balkanized, they become more
strategically important once again and their allies
become more eager to help defend them.
> If Hawai`i can hold onto Midway against the IJN or
> OUDF, then I could
> see them keeping it for themselves. But I think the
> IJN and OUDF (whether
> or not the NAC exist in your universe as Jon T has
> them)
They don't exist AT ALL.... The OUDF and IJN SORT OF
exist, though under slightly different government
names and with slightly different "Feels" than in the
> would have a difficult time holding onto Midway; it
> wouldn't have a lot of
> the resources to extend themselves too much further
> beyond the main grouping
> of islands.
That's why Hawaii doesn't use its OWN resources to
defend it - it's one of their trading cards; it's
officially Hawaiian, but one of the other North
American powers is granted use of it in exchange for
defense aide to Hawaii.
> > ... but as this is a discussion of a NAC-free
> non-Tuffleyverse.......
> Ah, well, then replace "NAC" with your favorite evil
> good superpower. ;-)
No superpowers, just a whole lot of minor and major
poers. Not sure how plausible, but eminently fun.....
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