Re: [FT] Starfield maps...
From: "David L. Dunn - DLD Productions" <david@d...>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 11:56:39 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT] Starfield maps...
Dunno if Dean Gundberg mentioned it here, (he probably did, and I'm just
spacey), but on the BFG list he mentioned two websites that can do
maps/starfields.......very awesome stuff!
In Deans words:
"A guy does this on the web but prints out the maps with a hex overlay
Star Fleet Battles.
You can ask if he would do one without the hexes."
"If you want to make your own starfield, try "Universe" from Diard
There is a FREE version or you can pay and get more tools. There is
also a
Photoshop plug in version. I've made lots of star fields and nebulas
this and you can create a really large image if you want."
Again, Dean shines through with great info! Thanks Dean!
David L. Dunn-Owner
DLD Productions
"Striving to Make Your Gaming Real" TM
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