Re: 15mm Freikorp bugs was Re: (SG) New 25mm Gallery
From: FlakMagnet72 <flakmagnet@t...>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 09:55:57 -0400
Subject: Re: 15mm Freikorp bugs was Re: (SG) New 25mm Gallery
Whoops, never mind. From website that was the focus of the original
thread I
answered my own question:
"The FreiKorp Aliens are big 15mm, and work equally well as opponents
for 25mm
Thanks to everyone who WOULD had answered! *grin*
On Monday 15 September 2003 9:46 am, FlakMagnet72 wrote:
> From the old thread I was pleased to find the Freikorp minis that look
> H.R. Geiger's "Aliens".
> They have models in 15mm too, so does anyone know if the 15mm "Combat
> Aliens" from Freikorp are similar to the 25mm ones or not?
> They'd fit perfectly into my plans for a "bug hunt" scenario with
> ship plans.
"Who draws his sword against the Prince,
best throw away the scabbard." umm... Shakespeare?