From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 23:52:24 -0400
Subject: [Archives]
It's been a while since this announcement was made, so...
Roger Burton West maintains the GZG List Archive at
http://lists.firedrake.org/gzg/ . Roger's position is: "There is
absolutely no obligation, or even pressure, for you to contribute to
the running costs of this service. I'm going to keep doing it even if
nobody contributes anything."
However, for those who do want to contribute (and are able to...), the
wish list is at
(BTW Roger, I think you'll be disappointed in Curse of
Chalion--normally I buy Bujold in hardback, but that one felt as if it
came from another author entirely)