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Re: FT Newtonian Acceleration

From: Jared Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 19:30:56 -0500
Subject: Re: FT Newtonian Acceleration

Roger Burton West wrote:

>Your system looks as though it has basically the same effect as mine,
>but has the problem that you have to work through the manoeuvre
>twice. What I suggest uses three separate things - the ship (i.e. the
>miniature), the first marker and the second marker - and works
>like this:
>* Start with ship's starting position, speed and direction as normal.
>* Leave a marker at the starting position. Move the ship marker 
>(speed/direction) as normal.
>* Now, leave the ship there, and take a second marker. Move that marker

>through the ship's manoeuvres for this turn.
>* Move the ship itself half-way along the line between its current 
>position and the second marker. That's the final position of the ship.
>* Measure the distance and direction from the first marker to the 
>second marker. That's the final speed and direction, to be recorded for

>next turn.
After your clarification, I think both systems do the same thing, but 
yours is probably faster and easier to implement.


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